Tips for Starting a Side Hustle When You Work Full-Time

By Kayla Boyd

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Sometimes we find ourselves in a position where we want to create a new stream of income in addition to our 9–5. Or maybe we are just not feeling fulfilled creatively and we’re craving something more. Whether you’ve always dreamed about being your own boss or you have a unique talent that you’re ready to monetize, starting a side hustle is a great way to exercise your creativity, put energy into something other than your day job, and increase your income. 

Whether you’re thinking about selling handmade decor on Etsy, starting a blog, freelancing, consulting, or reselling vintage clothes on Poshmark, it all comes down to taking that initial plunge and just doing it! So, if you think you’re ready to make moves and start building your empire (yes, even with a full-time job) then here are a few tips to take into consideration while you’re getting started: 

  1. Do your research: Depending on what kind of business venture you’d like to begin, you need to know who your competition is and what they’re doing. Spend some time looking at similar businesses and note what you like and dislike about them. Check out other people’s websites, social media, and pricing to make sure you’re bringing something new or better to the table. 
  2. Layout the groundwork: After you’ve done your research and have a clear vision for your brand or business, it’s time to start building. Purchase a site domain, create social media accounts, and start brainstorming. If you’re starting a blog, then you should brainstorm a list of ideas and start drafting some of them. If you’re going to start selling products, then start designing, making, or purchasing your first round of inventory. If you’re going more of the consulting/freelancing route, then you may want to hire someone to help you build your site and logo. 
  3. Network: Start reaching out to people you trust and who are willing to support you. They can help proofread your site, share your Instagram posts, and even just bounce ideas around. In addition to that, you should also reach out to other professionals and entrepreneurs and maybe even potential clients. See if people in your industry are willing to chat and give advice. Get a feel for what your target customer may be looking for. 
  4. Create a weekly schedule: When you have a full-time job it can be hard to consistently set aside time for your personal projects. That’s why a weekly schedule is crucial. Pick certain days a week for site maintenance, writing posts, engaging on social media, actually making your products, or whatever your specific business entails.  
  5. Set realistic and specific goals: Whether you want to sell a certain number of units, grow your social media pages, or reach new customers, it’s important to know what you’re working towards and set actual number goals. Of course these may get adjusted throughout the year, but it’s important to have a starting point. 
  6. Make sure there are no conflicts of interest with your full-time employer: This one is really just to cover all your basis and make sure that nothing gets in the way of your mission. If your side hustle is similar to what you do during your full-time job then you may want to take the time to read through your contract and make sure that you’re not breaking any rules.
  7. Be patient & don’t give up: Lastly, you have to keep in mind that everything takes time… especially growing a brand or business! It may take a while to get attention, gain new clients, etc. but, as long as you stay consistent and focused, your audience is bound to find you. So go for it and celebrate every bit of progress you make along the way! 

We hope this advice motivates you to get started and/or keep going! If you have any questions about how you can take steps toward building or expanding your side hustle then reach out to us at

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